• Contact/Additional Information

    (559) 230-6000

  • RAAN

    The Real-time Air Advisory Network (RAAN) is tool to protect the health of the residents of the San Joaquin Valley. It provides hourly air quality information for your local neighborhood and allows you to take action, when necessary, to avoid poor air quality.

  • Pm 2.5

    Official EPA measurement of pollution, PM 2.5 is particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less. Smaller than a human hair and not visible to the eye it can be found in wood smoke.

  • Ozone

    Official EPA measurement of pollution, ozone is a gas comprised of three oxygen atoms, formed through the interaction between NOx, VOC, and sunlight. Often a result of vehicles and other mobile source of pollution.

  • Hourly PM 2.5 Concentration (µg/m³)

    Amount of PM2.5 measured by a monitor during a 1-hour time period.

  • Hourly Ozone Concentration (ppb)

    Amount of ozone measured by a monitor during a 1-hour time period.

  • µg/m³

    Micrograms per cubic meter.

  • ppb

    Parts per billion.

  • The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District makes every effort to ensure that the air quality information you receive through the Real-time Air Advisory Network is accurate and timely. However, there may be instances when the information is delayed, incorrect or missing. If you experience air quality impacts, such as wildfire smoke, in your neighborhood that are not reflected on the website, please assume that the system is not registering the incident and take appropriate action. Please contact the District at 559-230-6000 to report any abnormality you experience with the system.

Check your area's current air quality

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The Real-Time Air Advisory Network (RAAN) is a free, state of the art system specifically designed to inform Valley residents about local air quality based on the following tools:

  • Online, 24/7 access to the most up-to-date hourly air quality information for your area of the Valley
  • Automated email or text notification whenever air quality is poor in your area
  • Specific health guidelines for outdoor exercise based on 5 different air quality levels

Real-time Outdoor Activity Risk (ROAR) Guidelines

The ROAR chart provides activity recommendations based on the amount of time you are outside, the intensity of your exercise and the current air quality level.

ROAR Level Guidelines
Level Outdoor activity OK for all
Level Sensitive individuals should consider reducing prolonged and/or vigorous outdoor activities.
Level Sensitive individuals should exercise indoors or avoid vigorous activities.
Level Sensitive individuals should exercise indoors. Everyone should avoid prolonged or vigorous outdoor activities.
Level Everyone should avoid outdoor activity.

Register with RAAN

Register to set up a completely free account that will allow you to keep track of air quality trends in all of your favorite areas across the Valley.

Save up to 10 locations... home, school, mom's work, dad's bike route, dog park, etc.

Control how, where, and when air quality notifications are delivered to you.

Give your locations and addresses a personalized nickname.

Air Quality Tools

In addition to RAAN, Valley Air District provides many more air quality tools and resources for our communities and families in the San Joaquin Valley.